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Young Heroes Outreach Program (YHOP)

The National Liberty Museum’s Young Heroes Outreach Program (YHOP) ignites each student’s potential to make an impact in their school, community, and the world. YHOP prepares students to identify and investigate social issues and take an active role in implementing civic projects.

For questions, please email

Thanks to the contributions of many generous corporations, foundations, and individuals who sponsor the Young Heroes Outreach Program (YHOP), the program is available to Philadelphia-area public, charter, and parochial schools fee of charge

If you would like to be a sponsor of this program or know someone who may be interested, please contact

We extend our sincere thanks to the Young Heroes Outreach Program (YHOP) Sponsors: The Allstate Foundation | Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation | Caroline J. Sanders Charitable Trust | Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Foundation | Connelly Foundation | Crash Proof Retirement | Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation | Elias Family Charitable Trust | Ernst & Young | Fox & Roach Charities | The Family and Friends of Alan Holmes Johnson-McNutt | Just Born Candy/Goldenberg’s Peanut Chews | Lindy Communities | McLean Contributionship | NJM Insurance Group | PECO | Pennsylvania Council on the Arts | Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission | Philadelphia Foundation | Philadelphia Insurance Companies | Republic Bank | Samuel P. Mandell Foundation | Scholler Foundation | SEI Investments Company | Sheller Family Foundation | Tozour Energy Systems

Sponsor listing current as of September 2021


Thu ‒ Mon: 10am ‒ 05pm

Adults: $12 Seniors (65+): $10 Students (with valid ID): $8 Youth (ages 6–17): $6 Children (under 5): No Charge Museum Members: Free

321 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia PA 19106 (215) 925-2800